

My apologies for disappearing. Things have been absolutely crazy - I returned to school this week. Seven more weeks of classes and then SUMMER. Speaking of summer, the weather has been beautiful here! Mid-fifties, sunny and breezy. I love it. Unfortunately, I have been very sick with who knows what. I have been drinking a ton of tea and resting (when I can). If my symptoms last for another day or two, I will be going to the doctor.

All that to say, I am behind in blogging and moderating comments, so bear with me!


  1. Hey, but when you post it makes it all better!! Hahahaha! I try to post every day because I keep my blog as a journal. I have a paper journal but I don't keep up with it very well. Blogging gives me more incentive to keep journaling because I know that others read what I write and I can put my pictures on there too. I do write in my "paper journal" too but it is more those personal things that you don't want the world to read!!
    I'm looking forward to spring and summer too. It was very warm and sunny up here today. I think we will still have cold weather and some snow though before the warmer sets in to stay. We are getting alot of sap right now and have already made a few gallons of maple syrup. So, I am totally enjoying this "in between" weather as it is good for the sap flow!
    Okay, enough ramblin',

  2. Oh, I meant to say, I hope you start feeling better. The tea should help!

  3. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Busy Gal- Understandable, your young and enthusiastic. I woke up with an ear ache and thought, am I losing my hearing (a beginning fright at age 48). I drank some Oolong Tea last night, went to bed early and woke up without the ear ache. Ah, still young!
    Love Ya,
    Aunt Christine
