Okay, I have a confession to make. I have been addicted to the Olympics which is why I haven't been posting or taking pictures. Seriously, it sounds absurd but it's true. When I wasn't busy writing 35 page research papers on Middle Eastern diasporas, I was in front of the TV or the computer keeping up with scores. I am beyond crazy when it comes to the Olympics, especially the winter games. I discovered this year that I actually enjoy Curling. And I found it so awesomely cool that the gold and silver medalists for Ice Dancing train less than 5 minutes from my house. How cool is that?! Okay, so I'm weird but whatever. Now that the games have ended, maybe I will get back into blogging ;)
Some of you asked to see the big ice cave my brother built earlier this week, so I'm stealing my sister's pictures. (Told you I was serious - I was too busy watching the Olympics to get pictures!) Pretty cool, huh?