

I hate tooting my own horn, but this is really just too exciting for me not to mention :)

For years and years and years and years, I contemplated pursuing photojournalism as a career. I've obviously decided to take a slightly different approach to photography, but that doesn't mean I've stopped snapping pictures of events. A week and a half ago, I snapped hundreds of pictures of my teammates racing in Wisconsin. Imagine my surprise this week when I opened the newspaper and saw my photos. My reaction was actually something like this (not even kidding)...

"Oh look, a story about the team! Cool! They even included some pictures... [insert long pause] Those look like the ones I took....oh, they ARE the ones I took!"

I can be such a clown sometimes. Anyways. They included two of my absolute favorite pictures from the entire event. I've shot many different action/sports events, but I've never liked many of the photos. Usually the athlete has their eyes closed, their mouth is wide open, they look horrid, the quality stinks or the overall photo doesn't capture the determination, hard work and mood of the event. Well, I finally have my ideal sports pictures and my portfolio is happy! I don't think the editors of the paper could have picked better pictures:

Great job UMDXC!


  1. How did they get your photos to get them in the paper?

  2. I put them in my online gallery (SmugMug) and emailed our club president the link. I gave him permission to use them wherever :)

  3. Anonymous6:30 PM

    Yay for you!!! That's exciting!!

