
The S Children

I first met these incredibly cute kids several years ago when their mother asked me to babysit them. I've snapped some pictures of them just for fun, but I was honored when their mother hired me to shoot their Christmas pictures. Her previous photographer shot some amazing photos of the children, but moved away last year. I knew I had some big shoes to fill!

J, the little boy, was very careful not to get himself dirty. Usually when I see him, he's running all over. When we arrived at the park, however, he carried himself in a very dignified manner and continually patted his hair. SO CUTE!

S, the second little girl (far left in the photo below), was actually feeling very ill. She was such a trooper and was so precious for the evening.

Big sister, L, was not camera-shy at all. Her personality is very much like mine; she's the mother hen and everything has to be just so!


  1. these are adorable! you have such an eye for color and expression. :)

  2. thanks Kristin for taking such great pictures of the kids - they have loved looking at them! you are so great with them and I know that's why they cooperated with you the way they did. they think you are great (so do i!)
