It has been a long time since I've actually posted something other than pictures here. Most of the writing action takes place on my other blog...which is actually why I'm writing this update :P
First, I'm currently pursuing journalism in school right now and absolutely LOVING it!! In addition to journalism, I am hoping to pursue photography on the side.
Second, I'm getting sick of having two blogs. One for writing and another for photos.
So, I've been thinking (which is really scary).
Kreatively Kristin Photography sounds nice, but it's not the ideal name I had in mind for my future photography business. Although it's cute, it's nowhere near what envisioned. I'm still toying with business names...Simply Kristin may be one of them :)
And...why not combine two things I love the most - writing and photography?
There you go. My simple solution (for now at least), is just to quit using this blog and posting exclusively over at Simply Kristin. I'll leave this up as an archive, but until further notice, all pictures will be over here. So change your links, RSS feeds or whatever, because....
Random Saturday
I am finally almost done transferring my pictures from my old laptop to my Mac. It's not an easy chore and I'll be glad to finish soon! These photos were some random ones I'd found while transferring....I found a few more, but they're not on this computer yet. I will be sure to post them when I can!!
Happy Saturday :)
Meet Irina.
...she's my new camera. The picture isn't that great (I look slap-happy) and I still don't have a lens....but here's the proof if you doubted I actually owned one :P
At the recommendation of fellow photographers, I have decided to name my camera Irina (pronounced "Eye-ree-na") :) I don't know why I picked that name exactly. I was thinking of the name Sojourner for two reasons a) I will traveling LOTS with this camera (Europe) and b) Sojourner Truth was always a fascinating lady to me. But...I went with something a little more "normal" and easier to spell ;) haha... I also like Irina because it rhymes with "Alina" (pronounced "uh-lee-na") and that's the name of my computer.
I guess I'm crazy for naming my stuff...but hey, it's special to me :) And it's better than calling my stuff "camera" or "computer".
*big grin*

...this was my other surprise!! Some of you guessed this was it...but I still wanted to tell everyone that it's official! I really own an SLR now. I don't actually have a lens yet, but I'll be getting one soon :)
Park Night
So about that slideshow. Haha. I'm kind of wondering what happened to it too. My program malfunctioned for some reason. I'd like to say it's the computers fault...but...I probably hit a wrong button. Something like that. So, no slideshow until I figure out how to fix it :(
Instead, I'm posting these! I just snapped them from an evening spent downtown at an orchestra concert :) Enjoy!
Instead, I'm posting these! I just snapped them from an evening spent downtown at an orchestra concert :) Enjoy!
Well, I thought the slide-show would have been posted by now. I transferred all of my pictures...but then this happened.
I should be finishing it sometime this week :)
I should be finishing it sometime this week :)
Happy blogoversery to...

Kreatively Kristin Photography!!
I know, I can't believe it either! I went back into my archives this morning to look for something....and whatdaya know?!? This blog has been around for TWO years!!! T-W-O!!! Wow!
In honor of my blogoversary (did I spell that correctly??), I'm putting together a slideshow of many photos that I've taken. It should be done in a day or so because I'm still in the process of transferring photos over from my old compy. I'm so psyched about it and I can't wait to post it!! honor of this occasion, I want all of my readers to leave a comment and let me know they're out there! I don't have a site meter, so I have no clue if I'm posting for myself...or if there's actually two or three others who lurk ;) I'm not looking for flattery...I just want to know who you are! Do you enjoy taking pictures? Do you have a photo blog - if so, feel free to post your link! What's your favorite photo/photo set on my blog? Why? How did you find me?
So...comment away :) As for me, I think this occasion calls for a bowl of ice cream. Haha!
NEXT UP: Slideshow!
Notice anything new?
Yep, I am totally and completely in love with my new header :) Isn't it wonderful??? This was one of the surprises I had in store because I'm re-launching this site. It was done by the very talented Hannahlee. She's also an AWESOME (that's me and her in the photo) photographer, so be sure to check out her stuff.
Thanks a bunches Hannah!
On the blog front, all changes have been completed. But I have another surprise that nobody else knows about yet (except for my Mum)....and I am super excited about that too. Stay tuned!!

Thanks a bunches Hannah!
On the blog front, all changes have been completed. But I have another surprise that nobody else knows about yet (except for my Mum)....and I am super excited about that too. Stay tuned!!
babysitting gone wild
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