School Two days ago, I couldn't wait to start. Today, I am ready for it to be over - I have already started a countdown. I'm adjusting to a new school quite well, although I will admit that it's hard not seeing a familiar face around every corner. Because I was so well-connected at my old school, I knew a large portion of the student body. Now, I hardly know anyone. This has probably been the biggest and hardest jump in the transfer process. I love most of my classes....err, when I can find them. Today, I must have walked down every hall and climbed every staircase in one building looking for a particular room. Eventually someone noticed and inquired whether I was lost. Me? Lost??? Oh no, I just like walking around a building a bazillion times! It's part of my training for the xcountry team! Seriously.
And speaking of the cross country team. That sure is work, but it's great to be out with other runners who are so encouraging. I'm running a 5K in just a few weeks and I'm stoked! My goal is to eventually run a full marathon so this is definitely a step in the right direction!
Before I sign off, I just wanted to share one picture. I took this last year, but fall is definitely on its way and it won't be too long before the landscape will look like this...

I can't wait to get more photos of the pretty colors soon!
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