I have a confession to make: I love tea more than I love coffee. Don't get me wrong, the smell of coffee is amazing, but the taste is horrid and in addition, the side-effects that people claim it has, somehow bypass me. I am known to konk out after having a cup of coffee (when I drink it, that is). Anyways, all that to say: I love tea and I think everyone should try the new Starbucks tea flavors. So amazing!
I also LOVE that they changed their cups for Valentines Day! Actually, I'm not a fan of Valentines Day, I just think it's cool to see something artsy on my cup. I ended up with a heart, but I saw others with hand-drawn cupids. Pretty neat, huh? I love seeing random art in the most unexpected places!
Happy Thursday!

About a year and a half ago, your uncle and I began a study of tea together. My text was Tea Companion, The New Tea Book and Green Tea. We purchased most of our loose tea at a natural food market we love to frequent together- then after learning ideal temperatures, steeping and repeated steeps, etc; we learned pairing teas with certain foods. Yunnan Black has become your uncles favorite, mine is a 203 degree steep of Darjeeling, 2 minutes Max and usually only in the morning. If you further your enjoyment of tea, the first text I mentioned has interesting information categorizing teas according to their geographical harvests-- this is of course more for the tea snobs, which by now you probably realize your aunt is one of them. I won't speak for your uncle- but it has been a joy to serve him tea "just the way he likes it." Tea is served often at our home and you are welcome anytime.