It has been a long time since I've actually posted something other than pictures here. Most of the writing action takes place on my other blog...which is actually why I'm writing this update :P
First, I'm currently pursuing journalism in school right now and absolutely LOVING it!! In addition to journalism, I am hoping to pursue photography on the side.
Second, I'm getting sick of having two blogs. One for writing and another for photos.
So, I've been thinking (which is really scary).
Kreatively Kristin Photography sounds nice, but it's not the ideal name I had in mind for my future photography business. Although it's cute, it's nowhere near what envisioned. I'm still toying with business names...Simply Kristin may be one of them :)
And...why not combine two things I love the most - writing and photography?
There you go. My simple solution (for now at least), is just to quit using this blog and posting exclusively over at Simply Kristin. I'll leave this up as an archive, but until further notice, all pictures will be over here. So change your links, RSS feeds or whatever, because....