I seem to have hit a sudden blogging binge. It has been months since I have blogged regularly and boom, in the middle of February, I'm blogging with gusto again. And here's why.
About two months ago, I was not taking pictures at all. Technically I was doing the occasional shoot, and while that's fun, I was not casually shooting everyday objects. And I realized I missed looking for something pretty or inspiring in the mundane. I began to brainstorm. For a month I attempted all sorts of methods that might motivate me, but it really was no use. Until I had an 'aha' moment after some web surfing.
You see, I love the thesaurus. Some people are addicted to Pinterest, but I am obsessed with typing in ridiculously long words and clicking through to other words (at least it's educational). And so, I decided to take my two loves and combine them.
Thesaurus + Photography = epic photo challenge.
I decided to make a list of words and each day, I select one in the morning. I think about it, mull over the definition and think about photos I could take, mentally arranging things or ideas. But I don't shoot right away. And I think this is crucial to my personal photo challenge. If I shoot right away, I find that I miss out on other opportunities or I misinterpret the word I've selected. I'm simply taking a photo just to take a photo. So, I keep thinking. And thinking. And thinking. Then when I feel ready, I snap. Do I always get the right shot? No. Sometimes I have redos, but I try not to think about those or do them frequently. I think this is also equally important in my photo challenge as I tend to be extremely picky about my photography (it's not artistic enough, the lighting seems weird, etc). Telling myself I have three shots encourages me to focus.
This process has allowed this extremely impatient person to stop and think about a potential photo. But it has also given me a great appreciation for photography and I have been able to develop new strategies in how I run my photoshoots. Plus, simply taking photographs reminds me how much
I need photography. Without a creative outlet, I go crazy. And a crazy Kristin is not always a good thing and I'm excited to share more photos!
Happy Saturday!