
w+p challenge: right.

Yesterday was the Michigan primary, and being the language lover that I am, I couldn't resist posting the following photo from Hamtramck, Michigan:

via the New York Times.

Although I was not the photographer, I thought the photo represented my word of the day yesterday, and that was right.  I can be a political curmudgeon at times and I had considered abstaining yesterday for several reasons.  However, I realized that in America I actually have a right (or an entitlement) to vote, and so I did.


A Word+Photo Challenge.

I seem to have hit a sudden blogging binge.  It has been months since I have blogged regularly and boom, in the middle of February, I'm blogging with gusto again.  And here's why.

About two months ago, I was not taking pictures at all.  Technically I was doing the occasional shoot, and while that's fun, I was not casually shooting everyday objects.  And I realized I missed looking for something pretty or inspiring in the mundane.  I began to brainstorm.  For a month I attempted all sorts of methods that might motivate me, but it really was no use.  Until I had an 'aha' moment after some web surfing.

You see, I love the thesaurus.  Some people are addicted to Pinterest, but I am obsessed with typing in ridiculously long words and clicking through to other words (at least it's educational).  And so, I decided to take my two loves and combine them.

Thesaurus + Photography = epic photo challenge.

I decided to make a list of words and each day, I select one in the morning.  I think about it, mull over the definition and think about photos I could take, mentally arranging things or ideas.  But I don't shoot right away.  And I think this is crucial to my personal photo challenge.  If I shoot right away, I find that I miss out on other opportunities or I misinterpret the word I've selected.  I'm simply taking a photo just to take a photo.  So, I keep thinking.  And thinking. And thinking.  Then when I feel ready, I snap.  Do I always get the right shot?  No.  Sometimes I have redos, but I try not to think about those or do them frequently.  I think this is also equally important in my photo challenge as I tend to be extremely picky about my photography (it's not artistic enough, the lighting seems weird, etc).  Telling myself I have three shots encourages me to focus.

This process has allowed this extremely impatient person to stop and think about a potential photo.  But it has also given me a great appreciation for photography and I have been able to develop new strategies in how I run my photoshoots.  Plus, simply taking photographs reminds me how much I need photography.  Without a creative outlet, I go crazy.  And a crazy Kristin is not always a good thing and I'm excited to share more photos!

Happy Saturday!


it's still winter?!

"Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather."



"Every crag and gnarled tree and lonely valley has its own strange and graceful legend attached to it."




winter portraits.

it seems winter has decided to finally visit Michigan (at least temporarily)!