

My sister Elaina is celebrating her 4th birthday today. The theme is Candyland (like the kiddie game), so yours truly set to work this morning and created a cake that looked like the Candyland game board.

To see some other delectable creations, click here. (I've made other cakes before, I've just never photographed them before.) And no, I'm not currently soliciting cake orders...at least not yet!



Life has happened to me recently. I'm sure 99.9% of you know what that's like.

Currently, I'm in school and that takes up most of my time. But next semester, I am seriously considering going through several photo courses, so you'll probably see more from me...and possibly from my new camera. About half of this blog is photos and the other half happens to be updates on why I haven't posted. This needs to be remedied soon!

If you're looking for some photos to browse through in your spare time (ha! Spare time has turned into a novelty of sorts...), I suggest digging through my best of section or taking a look at some other photography blogs!